Summa: Unconstrained Constants Assignement

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Summa: Unconstrained Constants Assignment

Identified By: Summa

The circuit, written in Halo2, makes use of an external LessThan gadget that returns 1 if the lhs is less than the rhs. The logic of the circuit constrains the output to be equal to 1 using an auxiliary value check. However, the check value is assigned during witness generation. This allows a malicious prover to set check to any value, including 0, which would cause the circuit to generate a valid proof for a lhs that is greater than the rhs.


Summa is a zero-knowledge proof of solvency protocol. As part of the (simplified) logic of the protocol, the prover needs to prove that their assets_sum is greater than the liabilities_sum. The circuit would use a gadget from zk-evm to perform such less_than verification. The gadget would return 1 if the lhs is less than the rhs, and 0 otherwise.

The Vulnerability

The circuit would have a custom gate to enforce that check is equal to lt which is the output of the comparison performed by the gadget

         "verifies that `check` from current config equal to is_lt from LtChip",
         |meta| {
             let q_enable = meta.query_selector(lt_selector);
             let check = meta.query_advice(col_c, Rotation::cur());
             vec![q_enable * (config.lt_config.is_lt(meta, None) - check)]

Later on the circuit would have an assignment function to be called during witness generation to assign the value 1 to check

     // set check to be equal to 1
         || "check",
         || Value::known(Fp::from(1)),

However, this design erroneously suppose that any prover would be using the assignment function provided by the library. A malicious prover can simply take the function and modify it to assign a different Value::known to check, even 0. This would cause the circuit to generate a valid proof for a lhs that is greater than the rhs.

The Fix

To fix the issue, the custom gate has been modified to take a constant expression (and set it to 1!) rather than a value obtained from the advice column (which is the one that can be modified by the prover during witness generation).

     meta.create_gate("is_lt is 1", |meta| {
         let q_enable = meta.query_selector(lt_selector);
             q_enable * (config.lt_config.is_lt(meta, None) - Expression::Constant(Fp::from(1))),




Related Vulnerabilities

Under-Constrained Circuits vulnerability

Assigned But Not Constrained vulnerability