Silent overflow

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Silent overflow occurs when casting is attempted from the larger type that holds a value bigger than the smaller type max value by using, a wrapper such as uint128(tokenIds) where tokenIds is previously declared as a uint256.

Technical details

Simple example

function silentOverflow(uint16 num) pure external returns (uint8){
    return uint8(num);

Passing 1000 as the parameter for the function silentOverflow, it returnes 232.

Silent overflow example

Vulnerable code

function buy(uint256[] calldata tokenIds, uint256[] calldata tokenWeights, MerkleMultiProof calldata proof) 
    returns (uint256 netInputAmount, uint256 feeAmount, uint256 protocolFeeAmount)
    // ~~~ Checks ~~~ //

    // calculate the sum of weights of the NFTs to buy
    uint256 weightSum = sumWeightsAndValidateProof(tokenIds, tokenWeights, proof);

    // calculate the required net input amount and fee amount
    (netInputAmount, feeAmount, protocolFeeAmount) = buyQuote(weightSum);
    // update the virtual reserves
    virtualBaseTokenReserves += uint128(netInputAmount - feeAmount - protocolFeeAmount); 
    virtualNftReserves -= uint128(weightSum);
function sell(
    uint256[] calldata tokenIds,
    uint256[] calldata tokenWeights,
    MerkleMultiProof calldata proof,
    IStolenNftOracle.Message[] memory stolenNftProofs // put in memory to avoid stack too deep error
) public returns (uint256 netOutputAmount, uint256 feeAmount, uint256 protocolFeeAmount) {
    // ~~~ Checks ~~~ //

    // calculate the sum of weights of the NFTs to sell
    uint256 weightSum = sumWeightsAndValidateProof(tokenIds, tokenWeights, proof);

    // calculate the net output amount and fee amount
    (netOutputAmount, feeAmount, protocolFeeAmount) = sellQuote(weightSum);


    // ~~~ Effects ~~~ //

    // update the virtual reserves
    virtualBaseTokenReserves -= uint128(netOutputAmount + protocolFeeAmount + feeAmount);
    virtualNftReserves += uint128(weightSum);

Vulnerability description

The buy() and sell() functions update the virtualBaseTokenReserves and virtualNftReserves variables during each trade. However, these two variables are of type uint128, while the values that update them are of type uint256. This means that casting to a lower type is necessary, but this casting is performed without first checking that the values being cast can fit into the lower type. As a result, there is a risk of a silent overflow occurring during the casting process.


If the reserves variables are updated with a silent overflow, it can lead to a breakdown of the xy=k equation. This, in turn, would result in a totally incorrect price calculation, causing potential financial losses for users or pool owners.

Proof of concept

In this scenario a base token that has high decimals number described in the next test (add it to the test/PrivatePool/Buy.t.sol)

function test_Overflow() public {
    // Setting up pool and base token HDT with high decimals number - 30
    // Initial balance of pool - 10 NFT and 100_000_000 HDT
    HighDecimalsToken baseToken = new HighDecimalsToken();
    privatePool = new PrivatePool(address(factory), address(royaltyRegistry), address(stolenNftOracle));
        100_000_000 * 1e30,
        10 * 1e18,

    // Minting NFT on pool address
    for (uint256 i = 100; i < 110; i++) {, i);
    // Adding 8 NFT ids into the buying array
    for (uint256 i = 100; i < 108; i++) {
    // Saving K constant (xy) value before the trade
    uint256 kBefore = uint256(privatePool.virtualBaseTokenReserves()) * uint256(privatePool.virtualNftReserves());

    // Minting enough HDT tokens and approving them for pool address
    (uint256 netInputAmount,, uint256 protocolFeeAmount) = privatePool.buyQuote(8 * 1e18);
    deal(address(baseToken), address(this), netInputAmount);
    baseToken.approve(address(privatePool), netInputAmount);, tokenWeights, proofs);

    // Saving K constant (xy) value after the trade
    uint256 kAfter = uint256(privatePool.virtualBaseTokenReserves()) * uint256(privatePool.virtualNftReserves());

    // Checking that K constant succesfully was changed due to silent overflow
    assertEq(kBefore, kAfter, "K constant was changed");

Add this contract as well into the end of Buy.t.sol file for proper test work:

contract HighDecimalsToken is ERC20 {
    constructor() ERC20("High Decimals Token", "HDT", 30) {}


Add checks that the casting value is not greater than the uint128 type max value:

File: PrivatePool.sol
229:    // update the virtual reserves
+       if (netInputAmount - feeAmount - protocolFeeAmount > type(uint128).max) revert Overflow();
230:    virtualBaseTokenReserves += uint128(netInputAmount - feeAmount - protocolFeeAmount); 
+       if (weightSum > type(uint128).max) revert Overflow();
231:    virtualNftReserves -= uint128(weightSum);
File: PrivatePool.sol
322:    // update the virtual reserves
+       if (netOutputAmount + protocolFeeAmount + feeAmount > type(uint128).max) revert Overflow();
323:    virtualBaseTokenReserves -= uint128(netOutputAmount + protocolFeeAmount + feeAmount);
+       if (weightSum > type(uint128).max) revert Overflow();
324:    virtualNftReserves += uint128(weightSum);
