Missing validation for a parameter passed to an external function

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In Solidity, for an integer type X, you can use type(X).min and type(X).max to access the minimum and maximum value representable by the type.

Code with vulnerability

function fundBountyToken(
    address _bountyAddress,
    address _tokenAddress,
    uint256 _volume,
    uint256 _expiration,
    string memory funderUuid
) external payable onlyProxy {
    IBounty bounty = IBounty(payable(_bountyAddress));


    require(bountyIsOpen(_bountyAddress), Errors.CONTRACT_ALREADY_CLOSED);

    (bytes32 depositId, uint256 volumeReceived) = bounty.receiveFunds{
        value: msg.value
    }(msg.sender, _tokenAddress, _volume, _expiration);


Vulnerability description

DepositMangerV1 allows the caller to specify _expiration which specifies how long the deposit is locked. An attacker can specify a deposit with _expiration = type(uint256).max which will cause an overflow in the BountyCore#getLockedFunds sub-call and permanently break refunds. DepositManagerV1’s function fundBountyToken allows the depositor to specify an _expiration which is passed directly to BountyCore’s function receiveFunds(). BountyCore stores the _expiration in the expiration mapping.

expiration[depositId] = _expiration;

When requesting a refund, getLockedFunds returns the amount of funds currently locked. The line to focus on is depositTime[depList[i]] + expiration[depList[i]]

function getLockedFunds(address _depositId)
    returns (uint256)
    uint256 lockedFunds;
    bytes32[] memory depList = this.getDeposits();
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < depList.length; i++) {
        if (
            block.timestamp <
            depositTime[depList[i]] + expiration[depList[i]] &&
            tokenAddress[depList[i]] == _depositId
        ) {
            lockedFunds += volume[depList[i]];

    return lockedFunds;

An attacker can cause getLockedFunds to always revert by making a deposit in which

depositTime[depList[i]] + expiration[depList[i]] > type(uint256).max

causing an overflow.

To exploit this the user would make a deposit with _expiration = type(uint256).max which will cause a guaranteed overflow. This causes DepositMangerV1’s function refundDeposit to always revert breaking all refunds.


Add the following check to DepositMangerV1’s function fundBountyToken():

require(_expiration <= type(uint128).max)

