Lack of Access Control

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It is a classic vulnerability that mostly occurs due to a development error. It includes: a forgotten modifier, excessive role rights, unrestricted function access, etc.


Consider the following functions from the Code4rena Maia DAO contest[1]:

    function call(Call[] calldata calls) external override requiresApprovedCaller returns (bytes[] memory returnData) {
        uint256 length = calls.length;
        returnData = new bytes[](length);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            bool success;
            Call calldata _call = calls[i];

            if (isContract( (success, returnData[i]) =;

            if (!success) revert CallFailed();

            unchecked {

    function payableCall(PayableCall[] calldata calls) public payable returns (bytes[] memory returnData) {
        uint256 valAccumulator;
        uint256 length = calls.length;
        returnData = new bytes[](length);
        PayableCall calldata _call;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            _call = calls[i];
            uint256 val = _call.value;
            // Humanity will be a Type V Kardashev Civilization before this overflows - andreas
            // ~ 10^25 Wei in existence << ~ 10^76 size uint fits in a uint256
            unchecked {
                valAccumulator += val;

            bool success;

            if (isContract( (success, returnData[i]) ={value: val}(_call.callData);

            if (!success) revert CallFailed();

            unchecked {

        // Finally, make sure the msg.value = SUM(call[0...i].value)
        if (msg.value != valAccumulator) revert CallFailed();

As you can see, the second function, in contrast to the first, does not use the requiresApprovedCaller modifier which leads to a Lack of Access Control issue because anybody can call it and drain ERC20/721/1155 tokens from the contract (see the report).