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Apache Software is a collection of open-source software projects developed under the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). These projects cover a diverse range of domains, including web servers, databases, frameworks, and more. Notable projects include the Apache HTTP Server, one of the most widely used web servers globally, and Apache Hadoop, a framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets. The software produced by these projects is widely adopted across industries and plays a significant role in the infrastructure of the modern digital landscape

Apache Software Foundation

Apache Software Foundation (ASF), is a nonprofit organization that fosters the development of open-source software projects. Founded in 1999, the ASF is dedicated to creating a collaborative and community-driven environment for software development. The organization provides resources, infrastructure, and support for a wide range of projects across various domains, including web servers, databases, programming languages, and more. Many of these projects, such as the Apache HTTP Server and Apache Hadoop, have become integral components of the modern software ecosystem. The Apache model encourages transparency, open collaboration, and meritocracy, enabling contributors from around the world to work together on high-quality open-source software.

Apache HTTP Server

Apache Hadoop